(1) Vertical structure,small,lightweight design.
(2) Inductive interference rare.
(3) PKF0606 & 0807 are small size high power inductors.
(4) PKF1012 & PKFB 1014 are excellent Q frequency characteristice and small
  distributed capacity contributes to high self-resonant frequency.
(5) High dielectric strength and insulation resistance.
(1) Video cameras.
(2) Portable VCRs.
(3) Audio equipments.
(4) TV tunners.
(5) Switching power supplies.
(6) Other circuits of consideration aganist radiation.
Unit in mm
SPC8 P/N A max C D E max
PKM0606 6.5 6.0±0.5 4.0±0.5 0.5±0.1
PKM0807 7.5 78±0.5 5.0±0.5 0.6±0.1
* Test equipment:
L @ 1KHz by HP4263B LCR meter.
L @ >1KHz & Q by HP4285A Precision LCR meter.
DCR: Milli-ohm meter.

  CopyRight (c) SUPER POWER CO., LTD.
Room 47, 8/F., Block F, Wah Lok Industrial Centre, Phase 2, 37-41 Shan Mei Street, Fotan,Shatin, N.T., HongKong.
Tel: (852) 2601 3743  Fax: (852) 2601 9442